Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Christmas Thought...

“Jesus is the Reason for the Season.” That’s what good Christian people say…That’s what they say about this season. When most people are worried about the presents, celebrations, and lights, we as Christians should be the ones to remember Jesus. But do we? 

Or are we, like everyone else, worried about the presents, celebrations, and lights…just sticking Jesus in there too? Or is He truly all we are focusing on this season? Every season?

As we set up the manger scene this year, I was struck with the fact that each piece in the manger scene is focused on one thing: The baby in the manger. Every single piece is looking with awe on Jesus. 

Joseph stands protectively over Mary, but is focused on Jesus. The wisemen present their gifts, focused on Jesus. The shepherd holds a lamb, focused on Jesus. 

And so it is with us. We protect those we love, we present gifts to Jesus, we comfort and hold those who need compassion, but unless we are doing it focused on Jesus, it means nothing. Like a manger scene without the baby. 

Is Jesus missing or stuck in the corner of your Christmas season? Or is He front and center, the focus of everything you are doing? 

Because He deserves front and center. Not just because He was born, but because there is a shadow upon the manger…in the shape of a cross. And we wonder why in this glorious moment of new life, there is the feeling of a greater purpose in all this, and the feeling of pain. But, pain is what it took. Death is what it took. Death of a perfect man, to give us the joy and peace that can fill us today. It’s because of this baby born, and his death that we are able to look with hope to the future! 

And so, with all this in mind, are we focusing on Jesus?

Saturday, November 2, 2013


    Thankful for...


-Afternoons at NH Coffee

-Fall Photo shoots ( Photo Credit: Essence Photography )

-Chai lattes

-Burnt Orange

-Late night McDonald’s trips. And Sweet Tea.

-A young girl’s excitement about God

-Job’s story


-Blank journal pages

-New boots

-Senior photo shoots with the sister

-New piano music

-Earl morning quiet times

-Late night chats with Angie

-The smell of coffee

-His guiding hand, when I don’t think I can go the way along. He says “I’m with you.”


-Mint Gum

-God’s promises

-Exciting new happenings in the town of Honey Brook

-Daily reminders of surrender

-The smell of freshly-made granola

-Birthday celebrations at Panera Bread

-Cousinly lunches

-A day spent exploring NYC.

-Wood fire in the fire place.

These are a few of my favorite things. The things God has given me in this cherish. To thank Him for. To hold loosely...{He is all I need.} And here is to November...and all it shall hold!




Thursday, October 10, 2013


“ Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22

Learning to draw near to God. Learning to embrace His love as truth. His truth as love. 

Learning to embrace His fiery power without fear. Coming before His throne with confidence. 

How? How can I come before Him in reverence…and confidence? This is the question I was asking. How can I, a mere mortal draw near to GOD. How can any of us think we have the right to even talk to Him. 

I had to go back to the “basics.” The gospel never loses its power. We think we have learned all these things. We think we are saved, now we move on. But we must never forget. I think I forgot about the grace that was poured out on me. I forgot…and all I saw was God’s greatness. And I was filled with fear. And I saw a long list of things I had to do to gain access to His throne.

But, as He so often does…He drew me to His word. “Look at this,” He said, “I have promised you so much. Look how much I gave for you. Look how much I love you. Look what I DID FOR YOU.”

He Says “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” He’s speaking to me. Wow.

“For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back. In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord.

“Be still and know that I am God.”

Just a few of the things He spoke to me.

“Yes, I am mighty, I am a fire. I punish. But I also love. And I have chosen you. In all your dirtiness, before you accepted me, I loved you. And I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. And when I promise, it stands.” 

And I saw the face of God coming through His word. I saw His love emanating from the pages of the Bible. 

And I was filled with a desire to draw near to His heart. To get to know Him more than before. To bind my heart to His. And He met me there. 

Coming to His heart. It wasn’t something I had to do. It wasn’t something I had to say, some memorized words. It was because of Him. I CAN come before the throne of God with confidence. Not on my own merit, but because I am covered by the blood and grace of a mighty man, Jesus,  who came to this dirty place. He left His heavenly comfort and communion with His father. And he came, He was mocked. He was hungry, thirsty, sad, tired. And then He died. For nothing He had done. The wrath of God was poured out on Him. God turned His face from Him. FOR NOTHING HE HAD DONE. Because He loved me. Me.

And He calls me to surrender to His love and power. Every part of my heart. To give it to Him. Death to myself, but in exchange for so much more! A victorious surrender. A rendering of our heart to His will.

And so when I stand before God on Judgment day and He looks at me. And then He speaks “What do you bring?” I don’t tremble and list the “good” things I did, hoping they are enough. No. I speak boldly, “I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. The price is paid. His sacrifice is enough.” 

That boldness is mine. That confidence is mine. And it is yours. Not because of what we have done or will do or can do. For that is all dirty rags….BUT BECAUSE OF WHAT HE DID. 

Praise Jesus for the sacrifice He lived. Nobody, nobody on this earth can love you like Jesus did. His love was perfect. Is perfect. And He never changes.

And so today, I am free. Free to serve my King out of love, no longer in slavery. Free to fall deeper and deeper in love with my heavenly prince, warrior, Redeemer. 

And that is what my heavenly father has so gently been showing me.